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InnerQuest Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a deep state of relaxation and focused concentration. It allows you to be more open to make changes to improve your health.
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What Our Clients Say

I have been suffering from acute anxiety and panic attacks when I fly. With the slightest of turbulence while airborne I freeze up and start imagining the worst.
One session of hypnosis with Dr Shaukat Chaney really soothed my nerves. We had the session a day before I travelled internationally, while I was already jittery anticipating the long torture.
But I was surprised that I was able to stay calm and relaxed throughout my journey. It was very effective and I would recommend this treatment to everyone.


For many years I have been taking sleeping pills. These pills have since many months stopped working. I had a couple of sessions with Dr.Shaukat Chaney I learnt to calm down. I practice self hypnosis before going to bed. It helps me to sleep with only a small dose of the pill. Hope to get off the pill soon.


I was suffering from severe stress and minor stroke. I saw Dr. Chaney to help me control my stress. I felt I am getting back confidence and strength. With my experience, I strongly recommend and believe with your hypnosis treatment.


I have been dealing with chronic illnesses (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, OA, Raynaud's vertigo), GI issues, as well as stress and anxiety for several years. When I approached Dr.Chaney for hypnotherapy, I didn't know what to expect. To my surprise I came out of the first session feeling very calm and relaxed and felt clearer in my head. I noticed that my pain levels had reduced too. I couldn't believe that just one session could work on multiple conditions and make a significant difference.

A couple more sessions later, I must say that this is such a positively transformative experience. I have been doing self-hypnosis twice a day sometimes more and I find that this is a better alternative to medications. I am now able to manage my pain levels and chronic conditions without taking any medications on most days. I also see an improvement in my sleep quality, mood and energy levels. Hypnosis is definitely a valuable tool to have in my self-care arsenal. Thank you Dr.Chaney.


I have experienced claustrophobia for the last 40 odd years. A number of my siblings also experience anxiety when in elevators and some times in small planes.

After just two hypnotherapy sessions with Dr Chaney my claustrophobia is gone. I found Dr Chaney’s approach to curing my anxiety both scientific and fascinating. Through a very detailed questionnaire he investigated various facets of my problem and prepared a script which he used during our sessions. Before each session he explained what the session entails and put my mind at ease. Dr. Chaney also taught me self hypnosis and encouraged me to practice it for several weeks which I did.

Thanks to Dr. Chaney’s scientific approach, I am now cured of claustrophobia and I get into even very small elevators and small planes with ease. He is a kind hearted hypnotherapy professional and I would highly recommend him.

With gratitude, RC

I have been battling an addiction to chocolate and refined sugar for my entire life. Now in my late 40s I’ve developed an allergy to it and a variety of physiological problems. However, I still couldn’t stop eating it to reduce my anxiety and elevate my mood, sometimes without even realizing I was doing it.

I didn’t know what to expect with hypnotherapy but knew I needed to try something different. After one session, my anxiety was within my control. I am consistently sleeping well and for the first time ever I know that I can go back to sleep with self hypnosis if something wakes me up in the night.

A second session helped me further with managing my food cravings. I can actually eat a little bit of sugar and stop and don’t need sugar at all to manage stress now. Dr. Chaney is wonderful, patient and well prepared. He made me feel comfortable trying hypnosis and the outcome is one of the best gifts I’ve ever received: control over my life again.


After two sessions with Dr. Chaney, I find my level of calmness, energy, and self confidence greatly increased. I am dealing with a chronic lung condition (Pulmonary Fibrosis) that has left me much more debilitated than necessary. Dr. Chaney has helped me through his professional approach, using hypnotherapy, to become much more mentally focused and able to deal with my health situation in a much more positive way.

Dr. Chaney’s approach has instilled the confidence I was lacking to deal with my situation. I now feel that I have a tool to help me and so I am using his recorded hypnosis sessions on a twice daily basis to keep me feeling mentally and physically strong, calm, and self confident. His calm, consistent and reassuring voice in our sessions has had such a positive effect that I will continue to get the benefits of hypnosis for the future. I feel much more in control. Thank you for your patience Dr. Chaney.

Contact Me

Cell : +1 613 806 0157

Email : Chaney@innerquesthypnotherapy.com